Monday, December 1, 2014

Merry Christmas!

The Christmas season is fast approaching.  During this special time of the year we seek to prepare our hearts to celebrate the beautiful feast.  Often, however, we find ourselves distracted by other obligations.  If it isn’t shopping for the perfect gift for a loved one, it is time spent fretting about the special meals that must be prepared.  

Here are some suggestions to help keep Christmas preparations from taking over.

1. Delegate.  If you are hosting a big dinner this year, start asking the other families you have invited to bring a dessert or side dish.  Your bachelor brother doesn’t cook?  That’s alright; ask him to bring a package of dinner rolls or a bottle of wine.

2. Try one-stop shopping.  No, not at the big box store.  Bring a little extra meaning to your gifts this year and support local artisans at the same time.  The Milwaukee County Winter Farmers’ Market is held at the Mitchell Park Domes every Saturday from November until April.  With selections ranging from freshly made cheeses to seasonal flavors of kombucha and all points in between, you are sure to find something for everyone on your list.  While you are there, be sure to pick up something special for Christmas dinner.  How about a leg of lamb this year, or maybe a more traditional, but still locally grown, ham? 

3. Stop and savor the season.  Fix some hot cocoa, turn on a little Christmas music, and enjoy the Christmas lights with someone you love.  Spend time with those old friends you haven’t seen for a while.  Above all, remember to celebrate the real reason for the season and share the love of the Christ Child with one and all.

Merry Christmas from all of us at Morning Star Family Farm.

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