Friday, June 20, 2014

Starting Them Young

Selling our organic-fed meats and eggs at various farmers’ markets, we get to meet our customers face-to-face.  Lately we’ve noticed a trend among them.  Many young parents are actively seeking naturally-grown meats, eggs, and produce in order to give their little ones the best start in life.  Starting young is important, both for growing healthy bodies and for developing healthy habits.  We instituted our summer camps in an effort to help these attentive parents fulfill their desire to instill in their children an appreciation for wholesome food and ecologically-sound farming.  

Held in mid-June, our Farm Workers’ Day Camp gives 10-14 year olds a chance to try out life as a farmer.  Over the course of a week, the kids are given a taste of all of the jobs on the farm, from moving chickens to feeding calves.  It is our goal that they will come away from the experience with a realistic picture of what farmers do to grow the food they eat each day.

A little later in the summer, on the second Monday of July, 5-9 year olds assemble at the farm for their one-day Farm Explorers’ Day Camp.  These kids get to help collect eggs, pick garden vegetables, play with baby chicks, and feed the livestock.  They experience first-hand why animals are happier and healthier when they live outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

A little bit of education can go a long way towards improving the chances of today’s healthy food choices becoming lifelong habits.  If you’d like more information about our camps, please contact us through our website.  We’ll be happy to help your children or grandchildren see firsthand the connection between our farm and your table.