Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Star Comes to Our Farm

We never would have met Stella unless we met Harvey Work.  Harvey was giving a two-day Natural Pig Workshop at Moraine Park Technical College in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.  As a leading authority on pastured pigs in the area, Harvey was bringing in a team of professionals, including other natural pig farmers and a pasture management expert, to teach us about the new farming renaissance in raising animals on pasture.

My wife and I brought our eleven year old son, Marcelino, along to this presentation since we have been grooming him to be our farm's Swine Manager.  Marcelino first became interested in pigs through his friend down the road who has been growing out pigs for the Washington County Fair for two years already.  Because of his friend's influence, Marcelino had acquired two pigs, Ham and Bacon, one of which was to be shown at the Washington County Fair a few weeks after the Natural Pig Workshop.  While he was enjoying raising the two pigs, Marcelino had a special wish--to have a sow and to watch her farrow and mother a litter of piglets.

Marcelino showing "Bacon"
at the Washington County Fair, 2012

When they first met, Harvey was impressed with Marcelino's motivation in our farm's pig enterprise and by the end of the lecture series, Harvey proposed an offer to us that we couldn't refuse: to adopt one of his already-bred Tamworth sows.  It was a match surely made in heaven, right down to the details: the sow's name, Stella, means "star" in Latin, making it so fitting that her home will be at Morning Star Family Farm.

Our first line of business was to prepare a home for our new "guest" that would give her the best possible pasture, considering the drought we are experiencing.  We had put in a cover crop of heirloom soybean plants, oats, and white clover that was about ready to be turned under. Between their hooves and their snouts, pigs make great rototillers, so we decided to give Stella small sections of the cover cropped area, allowing her to turn the plants under for us.  That would nourish the soil, while nourishing Stella at the same time.

The Quonset hut for Stella amid 
rows of soybeans, oats, and clover

Finally the grand day arrived and Stella moved into her new home.  After a bit of sniffing around, she dug right into her certified organic feed and has been a contented sow ever since.

Harvey Work, Marcelino, & Stella

 Stella's Story:  

Stella was born and raised at Harvey Work's farm in Eden, Wisconsin, just 30 minutes north of our farm.  She is a two year old purebred Tamworth sow that has already had three litters with no fewer than eight piglets each.  She has a special place in Harvey's heart, but the other sows at his farm were ostracizing her and not allowing Stella to have a fair share of feed.  As Stella started losing weight, Harvey realized it was time to explore other options for her.  When he met us at the workshop in Fond du Lac, Harvey thought that Stella might find a good home at Morning Star Family Farm, and I think we've found a match.

Welcome home, Stella!

 Stay tuned--little piglets are due to arrive in October 2012.